Physical Health

Sanity and physical health are often jeopardized by work habits and our separation from nature.  We spend months and years on end working 9-5, tolerating the same lifestyle, while spending free time engaging in mindless escapes. Why? Because there is little energy left to do anything else. If we can pull ourselves away from the constructed rat-race, we can start to chip away at that which creates stress, anxiety, illness, and disease.  Proximity to nature is an amazing and powerful healing salve for one’s well being. We provide a safe environment for you to take a deep breath and ground yourself in the present.

Our day-use facility is an inviting and peaceful wilderness environment, away from the non-stop stress of modern life. It’s a way for you to unplug from the electronic world and listen to the sound of your own heartbeat. You may be surprised at how the simple act of sitting on a log, gardening, having a private yoga session, reading a nourishing book, or walking barefoot on our Labyrinth will open the door to discovering your own song.

If this is something that appeals to your mind and senses, please contact us with your idea for an ideal day of simple exploration or rejuvenating rest. contact us.