Our Wet Summer Season is Going Strong!

Finally, we’re out of the worst winter we have experienced in over 30 years and the warming sun is gratefully received. Our many projects have begun from repairing roofs and roads, upgrading the kitchen in the Guest House, and maintaining trails, to planting the garden and gathering/processing firewood (we really don’t want to think about this yet, but it is Montana).

A new video was released about our Sage Wall from Bright Insight and we thought it was a balanced view of this marvelous wonder. As long as visitors respect our place and registration process, we will continue to keep this beautiful sanctuary of Sage Mountain Center alive and accessible to all. At some point, Linda and I will put together a detailed story of how we found “The Wall” on our property in 1996 and waited for the right time to uncover it of overgrown trees, brush and debris.

Christopher Borton

Chris with a solar halo in the background